Tuesday, February 18
Banking, Commerce and Insurance Committee
LB 201 (Kauth)
This bill would require a 10% excise tax to be charged on money sent out of the country. Many immigrants send money to their families back in their home country. Under this law, Nebraska would take 10% of that money..
Wednesday, February 19
Revenue Committee
LB 710 (Bostar)
This bill would increase the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 10% to 20%. The EITC is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs, as it gives back to low-income families with children more of their earned income from their income taxes.
Thursday, February 20
Judiciary Committee
LB 587 (Spivey)
This bill would enhance tenant protections when landlords are noncompliant in providing a standard of living specific to mold, pest infestations, and failure to maintain a dwelling unit or essential services.
LB 267 (Rountree)
This bill would provide for the removal of a tenant from a rental agreement who has committed domestic violence. Where an act of domestic violence is perpetrated against a tenant or household member by a co-tenant, and the victim has obtained a restraining order, a landlord would be required to evict the abuser and change or rekey the locks.
Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee
LB 604 (Storm)
This bill makes changes to the initiative/referendum process to make it more difficult to get such measures on the ballot. This is in reaction to the recent success of the referendum process and is aimed at suppressing the ability of Nebraska citizens to vote directly on issues.