NFP Priorities

Nebraskans for Peace prioritizes anti-war efforts, international law, social justice, environmental protection, food security, and conflict prevention.
Our mission focuses on promoting peace by opposing military intervention, advocating for marginalized communities, and protecting the environment and food security through non-violent approaches.
Anti-War & International Law
​​Project 1.1 Military Spending & the Federal Budget
Project 1.2 U.N., Globalization & StratCom
Project 1.3 Nationalism
Nebraskans for Peace is committed to the creative, nonviolent resolution of conflict and views war as a practical failure at peacemaking. Confronting violence with violence, we believe, will never create the conditions for peace. Wars and military ventures that harm the lives, health, and welfare of countless innocent civilians are not only destined to fail, they foster anti-American sentiment and foment terrorism.
As demonstrated on an ongoing basis, our government’s military policy is more and more being guided by corporate economic interests. From efforts to seize control of Mideast oil resources to the sale of armaments on the global market, the collusion of the Military-Industrial Complex has never been greater. Through our educational outreach efforts, media events and public demonstrations, NFP seeks to cut through the political spin and fear-mongering about our national security, critically examine our government’s true intentions and work to change our foreign and military policy.
Civil Rights & Economic Justice
Project 2.1 Native American Communities
Project 2.2 LGBTQIA Communities
Project 2.3 Multicultural Communities
Project 2.4 Women's Empowerment
Project 2.5 Legislative Advocacy
Project 2.6 Voting Advocacy
As our organizational motto states, “There is no peace without justice.” Unless we are laying the foundation for a society based on equality before the law, economic sufficiency and democratic participation for each of its members, peace will be elusive. A commitment to civil rights and economic justice for all has been a guiding principle of Nebraskans for Peace since its founding in 1970 and remains so today.
Although we annually designate issue priorities to focus on for the coming year, NFP’s support for justice and fairness ranges from LGBTQIA rights to cultural awareness and education to voting reform.
For 2019, we are working to oppose discrimination against immigrants and our LGBTQIA communities; promoting cultural awareness and sensitivities to the needs and rights of the Indiginous people in our state; and focusing on the issue of violence against women and ending the rape culture that exists on our society.
Environment & Conflict Prevention
With the onset of global warming from the burning of fossil fuels, protection of the environment has become a pillar of the Peace & Justice movement in its own right. The earth’s ecosystems face catastrophic changes in the coming decades from this threat, all of which will heighten social tensions by increasing the potential for conflicts over scarce resources. Protecting the environment is now central to the work of peacemaking, both to reduce our carbon footprint and to end conflicts over foreign oil and natural resources, like water. Our advocacy for renewable energy development here in Nebraska — particularly wind and solar — is a natural outgrowth of this priority issue, as well as our focus on promoting local food and urban agriculture in our state.